
Risk Assessment for Scientific Data
The data risk assessment framework presented in this paper provides a platform from which risk assessments can begin, and a reference point for discussions of data stewardship resource allocations and priorities.
Risk Assessment for Scientific Data
Mohonk Preserve amphibian and water quality monitoring dataset at 11 vernal pools from 1932-present
The Mohonk Preserve’s Daniel Smiley Research Center has been monitoring species occupancy, reproductive success, and water quality of 11 vernal pools on the Preserve each spring from April 1931 to present
Mohonk Preserve amphibian and water quality monitoring dataset at 11 vernal pools from 1932-present
Mohonk Preserve stream water quality, invasive species, and macroinvertebrate sampling from 2017-present
Using concise stream monitoring protocol designed for volunteer safety and maximum data accuracy, StreamWatch will evaluate water quality using an array of parameters.
Mohonk Preserve stream water quality, invasive species, and macroinvertebrate sampling from 2017-present