Alexis Garretson

Alexis Garretson

NSF Graduate Research Fellow ACM SIGHPC Computational & Data Science Fellow

The Jackson Laboratory

Tufts University


I am a Doctoral Candidate at the Tufts University and The Jackson Laboratory joint program in Mammalian Genetics and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. My Ph.D. research in the Dumont Lab focuses on using genetically diverse mice and bioinformatics approaches to produce high-quality estimates of mutation rate variation in populations and relate this molecular phenotype to infertility and reproductive health. I previously completed a M.S. degree in Evolutionary Biology at George Mason University with Dr. Rebecca Forkner using community science and herbarium specimens to investigate the impacts of climate change on the timing of plant and insect reproductive phenology.

I am also involved in bioinformatics and data science education as an instructor with The Carpentries and through developing university data science curricula.

Download my CV .

  • Bioinformatics
  • Genomics
  • Data Science
  • PhD Genetics, Mammalian Genetics, in progress

    Tufts University & Jackson Laboratory

  • MS Biology, Evolutionary Biology, 2020

    George Mason University

  • BS Biology, Environmental and Conservation Biology, 2018

    George Mason University

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(2024). A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding the Public Health Impact of a School-Based Citizen Science Program to Reduce Arsenic in Private Well Water. EHP.

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(2023). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. EcoEvoRxiv.

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Contact me via email at: alexis [dot] garretson [at] tufts [dot] edu